Monday, September 6, 2010

School, School, School!!

Well, we finished our first full week of school last week! It went even better than expected! The boys, of course, are loving preschool (they have the same classes as last year) and Kailyn is just loving homeschooling! We use My Fathers World Curriculum and Apologia Science (Astronomy this year) and I am very pleased. Kailyn is super easy to teach I must admit, although she seems to be ahead right now, so there is not much teaching going on, just reviewing. But every day, we have a bible lesson, so she is learning alot there. Our first memory verse is Proverbs 9:10 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom". And she also reads out of a Bible Reader a short story, then summarizes it into one sentence and draws a picture. For Math, we are covering topics this year, like patterns, sorting and classifying, addition, subtraction, numbers on a number line, place value, then multiplication & division readiness. We use lots of handson activities and a few worksheets out of a math workbook. Every day, we do the "number of the day", count to the day's number using beans for ones and a stick of beans for tens, count to it using money, and find it on a number line.

She just gets soooo excited to do her school every day and it's awesome!!! Carson loves hearing about the science too, he just flips through Kailyn's textbook over and over and over. I think he will be sooo much fun to teach--- he is so animated and loves to learn new things! He's starting to calm down alot, and with Ethan being 4 by next year, I'm not too worried about homeschooling all of them! Oh, and we came up with a name for our school.....Seekers Academy! We had to have a letterhead to mail to the state, so that's why the name. But we think we'll get some T Shirts made too! :)